The Blue and Yellow Macaw (Ara
ararauna) is a brilliant blue parrot with a yellow breast and
belly and a white face and black collar.
These birds are about three feet tall.
They are excellent climbers. In the wild they prefer a diet of
fruit and nuts.
Macaws mate for life. The nest is built
in the hollow of a tree. Two to four eggs are laid, then incubated
for about 25 days. The young fledge in a little over three months
and will remain with the parents for about one year.
Blue and Yellow Macaws are found in Mexico,
Central and South America. They prefer rain forest habitats and
spend much of their time in the upper canopy. They have a lifespan
of about 80 years in captivity.
The Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) is
a large red parrot with blue and yellow colored wings, a white
face and a beak that is light above and black below.
These birds are about three feet tall and
weigh about three pounds. They are excellent climbers. In the
wild they prefer a diet of fruit and nuts.
These birds mate for life. The nest is built in the hollow of
a tree. Two to four eggs are laid, then incubated for about 25
days. The young fledge in a little over three months and will
remain with the parents for about one year.
Scarlet Macaws are found in Mexico, Central and South America.
They prefer rain forest habitats and spend much of their time
in the upper canopy. They have a lifespan of about 75 years in