Great Horned Owl
This owl is found throughout North America and in Central and South America in dense forests, deserts and plains, and even city parks. Some may migrate from northern ranges to the southern ranges of North America. This owl is known to become aggressive when threatened. They begin nesting in January or February in the old nest of a crow or hawk, and sometimes a hollow tree. They lay 2-4 eggs that the female incubate and are protective of their young to the point of attack.
The Great Horned owl usually begins hunting at dusk, where it can find voles, mice, rabbits, skunks, house cats, insects, small birds, pheasants and grouse as prey. In Canada, the Great Horned owl often predates on the snowshoe hare, which can reach approximately 3 pounds in weight!
Photo: Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) at Reifel Migratory Bird Sanctuary. Delta, BC, Canada. brendan.lally